Full productions filmed with HQ video and sound
Below is a SAMPLE OF LiveShowsFilmed
Below is a SAMPLE OF LiveShowsFilmed
Full Length play, single camera, 1 floor mic, shot and edited.
Below is a promo we shot and edited. Two camera coverage.
Below is a quick social media promo to get tickets sold for the last 2 weeks of the show.
This promo was shot during a rehearsal. Staged the actors in front of camera to create suspense
but was not actually staged like that for the performance.
Then we cut in actual footage of the blocking that we shot during a dress rehearsal.
but was not actually staged like that for the performance.
Then we cut in actual footage of the blocking that we shot during a dress rehearsal.
We edited this promo for Bill Posley from his extended performances
to gain traction before his Off- Broadway debut.
to gain traction before his Off- Broadway debut.
Below is the production we shot AND edited to help get this show to the next chapter.
We shot the footage of the live show in this promo below.