Veradesk Products Inc had a great Christmas party and we got to shoot it.
Click HERE to download images from this slideshow. [DOWNLOAD PICTURES]
Click HERE to download images from this slideshow. [DOWNLOAD PICTURES]
Here is a fun video capturing the wrap party of the film The Jokesters giving thanks to the main investor of the film, Michael. Filmed and edited by David Haverty (OddDog)
We also capture events with video and pictures and edit together fun montages and clips to share with your guests or those who missed your event.
REPLACE VIDEO 5th annual Ticketmaster Halloween Party.
We helped say goodbye to one of the cornerstones of LIVENATION who has made what TICKETMASTER is today... farewell JOE!!
Astroetic Studios event called Sensory. We filmed the event for the studio and they edited the content to what you see above.